260 Days of Learning Project
So my life is now consumed with the art of grant writing.  As I read in the Dummies Guide to Grant Writing, if it were easy everybody would have all the money they needed.  I applied for this grant last year and was approved, if funding was available.  In other words, I was at the bottom of the totem pole and there is never enough money for people at the bottom.

I'm giving it another try this year.  After reading grant proposals in the Faculty Writing Group I am leading, reading through bits and pieces of the Dummie book, and looking at some samples from colleagues, I can understand why I didn't get funded last year for the Second Life island for the online writing center.  My proposal did not look anything like a grant proposal.  Was it a well written narrative?  Apparently, since it did get approved if funding was available, but it did not LOOK like a proposal should.  I did not lead with pertinent information, and it wasn't until the end that I really discussed the value of the research.

I now have 15 days to get it right, and I am determined to do just that.  I have the rest of the grant application done, so now it is just a matter of getting the narrative right.  I have a decent start on it, and I've discussed it with my boss, so I'm pretty hopeful that I can knock it out this week and then start revising. 

So, when I say "Show Me the Money" that is exactly what I mean.  S h o w  Me  T h e  M O N E Y!!!!